Solar Smash 2

Solar Smash 2


Solar Smash 2

About Game
Solar Smash 2

Solar Smash is a very popular now planet destruction simulator because of many cool features. It is the best option when you want to spend time having fun without difficult quests and tasks. But it is also a very exciting and beautiful product with an interesting process and detailed graphics.

The game quickly gained popularity, so developers decided to release a new version that you are able to try on this site. Read necessary instructions and go press the start button!

The gameplay. After you appear in the main menu, you see different planets. For the first time you can only pick the Earth, but after a couple tries you will unlock other cool celestial objects. When you pick the planet with humanity you can see not only the star itself, but the indicator that shows the number of living people here.

Try all celestial bodies – good old Mars, futuristic iron sphere with the strong shield and modern design, the different versions of the Earth that varies according to the color of the surface, the small objects, like the Moon and other satellites and other interesting variations. Choose the perfect one and go annihilate it completely.

In this game you receive a huge arsenal of destructive weapons that help you ruin your targets. The main aim in the Solar Smash is destroying all stars in different ways. And because of the realistic physics you will see the real consequences of your attacks.

The game was created with the help of the space specialists, so you will receive the authentic results. Choose the best weapon. For example, the powerful lasers are the best option, if you want to ruin it slowly. With it you can draw funny pictures on the object and burn patterns.

Call the aliens and ask for their help. Their UFOs have small but destructive cannons that will cause big damage. And the massive bombs are the classical way to break some continents. You can switch between them and pick the amount of projectiles you use. Meteors are also included. They also differ according to the size and you receive the opportunity to choose the flight speed.

The planets. The well-detailed maps amaze all players that open this cool game. Look at the Earth. It has all our continents, cities and islands. You are able to recognise your home town and sent the attack there. In the process of ruining the stars in the Solar Smash you kill many people.

To know where the most populated places are, developers created the special bright light, that shows you the exact points. The stars without people are also very interesting, so try them too and discover what type is the hardest to break.

Travel in our Solar System with this fascinating project. Enjoy!
